Rethinking healthcare services for the elderly
My role: UX researcher and facilitator
The design studio team: Lead UX researcher, service designer, videographer.
A Singapore-based client looked into developing design solutions that better meet the health and wellness needs of the elderly in Singapore.
Compile case studies, customer journey maps and themes to facilitate design and ideation workshops with healthcare sector stakeholders in Singapore.
Development of service concepts suited to the unique characteristics of Singapore.
Publication of themes in government publication.
Recommendations integrated in the Government's $3billion Action Plan for Successful Ageing
New residential block for elderly designed and completed, incorporating many of the concept ideas that were co-created in the workshops.
I joined the team for analysis just as they returned to the design studio from fieldwork.
I quickly got up to speed by immersing myself in the notes, photos and videos taken. As a group, we coded and affinity sorted the data collected into themes.
I complied a set of 8 case studies based on those displaying particular unmet needs when accessing healthcare. I then created customer journey maps for each case.
These maps highlighted problematic steps in the healthcare journey for the elderly citizens.
I collected weekly feedback from the client to iterate and improve the maps.
In two multi-day, large-scale design workshops, I worked with the client to introduce the challenges participants face on a daily basis to private and public sector stakeholders.
The themes, case studies and customer journey maps were essential tools for story-telling, helping the stakeholders empathise with the needs of elderly citizens and understand their environmental constraints.
Using various ideation exercises and worksheets, I facilitated groups to develop a number of service concepts that would suit the unique characteristics of Singapore.